Monday, April 30, 2007


The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

It's coming together, my story. I figured out that it's a trilogy already. Well, it's about a necromancer, though not necessarily about the one that everyone will think. For lack of a better title, I'm calling the first book Scheme of the Necromancer. Remember, titles are subject to chance. Heck, I changed the title of my series from Swain's World to Swains World. It's a working title so it might changhe at some point, too, but we shall see.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Writing Ain't Easy.

The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

        Not that anyone ever said it was: but writing takes commitment.
        I recommend that you read How to Quit Your Day Job to Write Full Time if you are, in fact, thinking of writing full-time. It mgiht be better to wait for that until you have the nice home, and the fancy car. Not to mention a decent home office set aside for writing. You need a printer, a computer (or typewriter, or both), notepads, notebooks, paper of all sorts. Strunk and White's Elements of Grammar is a good reference book to have. Eats, Shoots and Leaves is also a good book ot read. Punctuation is important, accurate punctuation doubly so.
        The dictionary is your friend. Two or three are great! I have one that's so old, it's lost its paperback cover over the years since the 1970s, but it lists certain foreign words and phrases (I wrote a poem using it for inspiration once, that went into my campus literary magazine), mythological figures--lots of references that I have seen in no dictionary since then. I have large print, small print, and I have two online dictionaries bookmarked—more, if you count a couple of naming sites which let you look up various names in different languages by their meaning and intent.
        A Jacuzzi Is Not A Mythological Creature (Thought It Sounds Like One). Yes, up until I was around eighteen, I had no idea what a jacuzzi was. I had no interest in them, seeing as I had no dealings with them. A lot of what we write, what we come to know, derives from our own experiences, and in what happens in our daily lives. "Write What You Know" doesn't mean that you should go out and write odes to a pencil sharpener (Although that sounds like fun, so maybe I will write one later). The nuance, the word choice, choosing representations—in fantasy, a car can become a dragon, especially on days when the engine gets overheated and the muffler decides to take a nap in the middle of the road while the rest of your car continues on, down the road. Er, well, things like that, yes. ;-)

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007)

The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.
- Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007)

Monday, April 09, 2007

April Fools

The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

April Fools is this month's NaNoWriMo-type challenge. I had started writing; but I was sidetracked by reading the Mage Winds trilogy. It's a good thing, because it reminded me that I tend to over-plot, and that this over-plotting (for one book) can be recified by splitting the over-plotted book into two or three plots. I thought I'd had an apointment today, so I was going to bring notebooks with me. Instead, I shall be able to work on the outlines at home. After, of course, my second cup of coffee, and finishing the third book, Winds of Fury. It's actually good, too, because magic is also going to affect the weather in my own story, though in a different way. Thank you, Squirrelzilla. (Cross-posting everywhere)

Monday, April 02, 2007

What's In A Name? Rival Kingdoms

The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

I might not stick with it, but I need to go to a name generator to come up with at least an interim title for a rival kingdom. Blasted notes, scattered all about the place. Growl. Yes, it's April Fools again. Not the day, the writing challenge thing. I'm insane; you can choose your levels, so of course I had to og for the 50k. Someone shoot me, please. *smile*


Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

So i don't lose the link:


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