Sunday, October 31, 2010

And So, It Begins...

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

Directly after I post this, I am opening up my word processor, and seeing if I manage to write anything before collapsing into a heap of unconscious...lump.

Friday, October 29, 2010

NaNoWriMo: 3 Days And Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

Oops! Skipped a day, didn't I?

Got the house clean, messed it up a bit, so I need to take the time to straighten it up again. Can't let it get out of hand for November. I need to mete out my time accordingly to get my daily word count in.

That means...POTATO PANCAKES, TONIGHT! Since they're in a mix, and I need to mix it, and figure in the food preparation and the cleaning-up after. My sister sent out the box, just got the eggs (yes, the mix calls for eggs).

On another front, two more days till Halloween. Live with Regis and Kelly, and their costume thing. Oh, sorry. That was today, wasn't it. Yes, it is, I got the last half hour on now. WOOT! You know, since Halloween is on Sunday, and all. And yea, I am a Halloweenie. =^~,0^=

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NaNoWriMo: 5 Days And Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

Still doing a countdown. I added another writing buddy, this morning. Yea, found someone else who also analyzes the Harry Potter books.


Not that the HP books are the only ones I analyze or read: but they're fun, and accessible for discussion, since so many people have read them. They're also close in some respects to what I'm writing. No, I'm not writing something set at a school of magic. But I am writing fantasy-based fiction, hopefully targeted towards the same audience. My magical creatures, sentient or otherwise, are different from hers, too. But hopefully, there is a core...something, that will eventually come out in analysis.

Personally, I think it was the characterization. Plot is excellent, but without characterization, you don't really have the motive to carry it out plausibly, do you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

NaNoWriMo: 6 Days And Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

It's getting closer.....

If you have tea biscuits with coffee, does that make them coffee biscuits?

Hopefully, I will neither be sneezing, nor coughing, quite so much during National Novel Writing Month. I'm sleeping a lot now, worn out from all that coughing and sneezing. Trying to make sure I get plenty of rest to get over it and back to normal. Being sick...not pleasant.

Ah, management replaced the blinds today, and also kindly repaired my dishwasher. Well, maintenance did, actually, but I had to contact management first, for them to delegate someone to the task after queuing it up.

Monday, October 25, 2010

NaNoWriMo: Seven Days And Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

The flat is shaping up. I have frozen food, and enough coffee (albeit decaffeinated, but I mixed a spoon of instant so it has some caffeine. My sister sent it out :p I can get some real coffee to supplement it!) and tea to last me through most, if not all, of November. The major thing coming up that may disrupt my writing schedule is Thanksgiving. And yes, I've budgeted in World of Warcrack, too, and reading time. The biggest thing to catch up with is the cleaning, and I'm almost there, I think.

I've also just about figured out the plot. I'm rewriting last year's NaNoWriMo. I think I have a better idea of the story I'm trying to tell, this year. I know who the characters are (same ones from last year) and the same essential situation, even if it's going to be a different story. I still have the old story, and I can refer to that after November, when I start getting into revisions, to make sure I have everything in the story that I want, this time.

Yes, I'm actually starting NaNoWriMo with a plan. I don't know how fr that plan will carry, or how many transmutations the story will endure, but it is story. We have story.

We have story.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

NaNoWriMi Countdown: 8 Days

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

They're coming to get you, writers.

They're coming for you.

Look! There's one now!

Turn off the editors and get ready to just write!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

National Novel Writing Month Countdown: 9 Days

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Weekend Novelist
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

Yea, before I go eat, before taking out the trash, I'm writing a quick update. November, and NaNoWriMo, is a few short days in the future. Do you know where your towel is? Don't panic!

Friday, October 22, 2010

National Novel Writing Month: 10 Days And Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

And the countdown continues.....

Today marks my second day as an ex-smoker. Housecleaning is coming along fine, too. Slowly, but all right. With luck, I'll be in good shape when November rolls around. I'll have a stock of frozen freezer food, macaroni and cheese, maybe oatmeal, and I can go out to get juice and coffee and milk, as needed. I'll get more analgesics at the beginning of next month. Hopefully, I'll get caught up on my reading, too.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

NaNoWriMo: 11 Days and Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

10 days till the 31at, so 11 days till November and National Novel Writing Month. Start your engines, set your clocks, and clean your houses so that you just need to do spot-checks in November.

I hope I finish everything in time. The non-NaNo tasks are overwhelming, right now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NaNoWriMo: 12 Days and Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

...Because I can.

I left this page open, specifically, to post daily. And National Novel Writing Month fits right into the theme of this blog. GloNoNatter = Global Novel Writing Month, or GloNoWriMo. That's NaNoWriMo. Why? Because it's a world-wide phenomenon. Where else do you compete in a non-competition to complete a novel in a month. Well, other than all the other WriMos that have spawned since Chris Beatty started this thing.

AAAAAAND-my coffee's ready, so I need to grab a cup and continue with the housecleaning. Got to be ready for when November rolls around, right?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NaNoWriMo Countdown: 12+ Days And Counting

National Novel Writing Month site.
The Free

From The Desk of Liz Ensley:

It's already begun.

Word Wars are everywhere, as people wait, not all patiently, for the first day of November. Tarot layouts, outlines/synopses and the like are all being written, even as we speak. Apparently, you pre-plan to be a pantser (i.e., someone who uses the tried and true method of "butt in chain, No plot? No problem!").

Do you NaNo?